good movie
runescape sucks nuts but this movie was awsome
good movie
runescape sucks nuts but this movie was awsome
good work for a newcomer
pretty good for a first timer, u musta been makin videos before this but posted up this one huh? this is really good keep it up
mayb they delay it so much is so we are more eager to get it when it comes out. that means every1 will buy it from stores and nintendo is gonna have another incident like the wii. they r gonna get rich off of sumthin that is awsome cuz it was delayed a cuple of times. the best thing to do is wait and dont jynx for another delay
good work
gonna be a part 2? is the next mini-sode gonna b about sonic or sumthin? cant wait u guys r funny
Girl " Oh no dear something terrible has happened."
guy " what is it dear?"
girl " There isnt any coffee left."
Guy " My god..."
lol that ws the funniest part in the movie
you mixed in most of the games link has been in quite smoothly. ive understood every last thing and figured out what each thing ment and what lead to what. good series dude, this is the best LoZ series that has ever hit the pages of newgrounds.
Celes is outta here
she has got to go she got anoyying. and when i ment link's girl in my last review for episode seven i ment celes since he dumped zelda for her. hurry n make episode 9
having blockhead as the popcorn guy. thats funny man, gj. make more and stop being lazy or else u might not make it next year >:|
The J Team: Taking idiotism to a whole new level...with a side of action
Age 35, Male
Joined on 9/10/05